On today's blog, we are going to look into something very important. In the first blog, we discussed the topic called "Yes to the burning Trough", we saw how important it is for us to say yes to the master sword-smith for His invitation to mold us. In the second blog, it was "He is closer than we think" we understood that the sword-smith has not left us to go through the process all by our self. God is Emmanuel and therefore, He is with us throughout the process of our making. Today we are going to understand "The power of consistency"
Blog three: Power of Consistency
Another important aspect of the sword making process is the consistency of the temperature in the Trough. Yesterday we saw how the chief sword-smith would stay day and night feeding the fire with coal and examining the process. And how he would not sleep during the whole process because he can't afford to let the temperature of the Trough drop below 1500 degrees celsius.
There is something we need to understand that only the master sword-smith understands. The purity of the metal is reliant on the consistent temperature of the Trough. If he lets the temperature go down to anything below 1000 degrees celsius he is not forming metal to make the finest sword. Instead, he is going to be left with metal to forge fork, spoon, and maybe some kitchen knife.
This is the heart of the God of the Bible too. He consistently wants to have communion with His children. Because of the consistent communion, we are strengthened and becoming finer day after day. What I love the most about the process of making the sword is the relationship between the metal and the sword-smith. The metal is in constant surrender to the will of its master.
Consistency leads to Intimacy
Take for example a relationship with someone who you really love. Your bond with that person is consistent and not on a yearly basis as you would talk to someone you rarely know. Our relationship with God has to be a consistent one just as you have a relationship with someone you are in love with. It's alright to start small in your prayer and reading God's word, but as long as you go to His presence every single day and keep nurturing His presence without dishonoring it, you are opening doors for a fresher revelation of who God is.
Even as you enjoy His presence without letting go of it you will start hearing His voice clearer, you will start experiencing His presence more tangible and you will find new strength in Him that you have found nowhere else. John 15:4 "Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me."
What breaks consistency?
Our unwillingness to surrender to the will of God breaks consistency. The beauty of the relationship of the metal in the Trough towards master is its submission and surrender to the will of the sword-smith.
When sin takes hold of us we are gripped with guilt and condemnation. The voices of the evil one will cause us so much danger to our soul that we don't feel like going back to God's presence. My experience with sin has been something similar too. Every time I experienced a fall I ended up going to a place of being laidback. But what changed me is the revelation of God's love, grace, and mercy. When I understood God's love, grace, and mercy, all I wanted to do was to run to Abba and share what went wrong. Psalms 51:17 says, "The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God."
King David, who fell in the sin of murder and adultery went back to God as a son would go to his father. I believe that there is no greater sin that God is not able to cleanse us off.
Therefore, let sin not break consistency. Without any delay go to Him and experience His freshness. No matter what mess we are in, He is always there to restore our relationship with Him.
Let us pray together,
Dear Abba, Let my relationship with You not be inconsistent. I surrender to the will of Yours as the Metal is in full surrender to the will of its maker. Just as the temperature of the trough is unchanging, may I remain in Your presence that is unchanging. Even in my moments of sin or weakness, I chose to come to you as a son/daughter would go to his Father.
In Jesus' name. Amen.